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9:41 p.m. - 2006-01-08
Ok I know I promised I would keep up with this. Just had a couple things going on. Had to adjust the body from nites to days again. Xmas was great. Had a great time with the kids. Daughter LOVED camera and all her other presents. Look on her face made working all the over time worth it.
Went back to work and switched back to days. Its been ok. Just takes some getting use to. So my new years resolution is to straighten out all my paper work. Its making me little crazy.
Went out this weekend bought myself a nice filing cabinet....things to organize papers around the desk area. Been cleaning up and shredding all reward is Lword is on tonite and it will get my undevided attention.

So Im here...Im coming back slowly just need time to adjust to rising at sun rise and sleeping at sunset instead of opposite.



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