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11:21 a.m. - 2006-01-21
Mental month
Im here...sorry been going threw alot again. I try and just let it go to my side but alot has been going on with my g/f....been having really crazy dreams about family members who have passed on. Its been a strange month or so. Wondering if it has something to do with the fact they changed around some of my medication. I dont know.

So I will write now about last nite.
My bestest friend and I went to go see psychic. I was fine all week about it even excited but as soon as i got there I was really scared.
Not sure what it was about.
Basically lets see
She said I am going 300 miles an hour and if I dont slow down I wont live life.
My daughter in all that she is going threw will be fine.
I have been with two woman with the same name and I am with the wrong one. (which is like the 5th time this has been said and it isnt going to change) There is alot more to this part but I will write it later.

I had one question I wanted to ask her and she answered it before I even asked. She told me that my aunt said Dont be silly. And that answered it all and brought me into a awwww.

My grandfather is my guardian which I think I have always known.



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